Faith is not a set of words—it can’t be written down in some medieval manuscript or linked to from Facebook. Our faith is a living faith, and our church is a community, not an idea.

Many denominations or church traditions take very specific stances on issues. The Episcopal Church, though, is not bound together by a shared position on academic theological questions or by tests of doctrine. Each person at St. Peter’s Church is able to wrestle with doubt and the questions of faith, and to arrive at conclusions that may be different.

Not only does St. Peter’s Church accept and welcome a wide range of theological ideas and perspectives, we also accept and welcome all people. We strive to not discriminate against anyone or any group for any reason.

There is one God, who is Trinity, three in one and one in three. This means that relationship is core to our faith, that God, in God’s very self, is a relationship, and we’re invited to participate in that love.

God, Creator, created all that is and declared it to be good or very good. This means that all of life is important to God, is sacred, and we have a responsibility to treat ourselves, other people, and our planet, with reverence.

Jesus Christ, the very human rabbi from 2,000 years ago, was and is the Son of God. Jesus reveals to us “what God is like” and Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection assure us that, while suffering is part of life, God is present to our suffering, and that suffering and evil do not have the last word; the last word is always held by God.

The Holy Spirit is God’s self-communication in grace, present and active everywhere, pervading the world. Through the Spirit, the risen Christ is universally present in the world everywhere and in every moment, as pervasive as the air we breathe, as the sun or the rain that comes down on us, as the wind that blows around us, as the life that flows with our every breath.

We believe that all people—of all races, nationalities, and gender identities—are beloved by God and are of equal worth and dignity. Women and LGBTQ persons are equal members of our church and have full access to all orders of ministry, including the ordained priesthood and the office of bishop.

The only way to know what we believe is to come and see for yourself. We invite you to worship with us, pray with us, and sing with us at Christ’s table.

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