Change to Historic Preservation Group

This article was written by Libby Browne, chair of the Historic St. Peter’s Committee

The Vestry and the Board of Historic St. Peter’s Church Preservation (HSPCPC) recently came to an agreement about the role of HSPCPC going forward. This separate 501-c-3 organization which was formed in 1991 to help with fund-raising for preservation projects in the church and churchyard will now go into dormancy: the IRS rules have changed with regard to charitable tax-deductions to religious organizations so there is no longer a need to have a separate organization. However, since one never knows when rules may change again, it was decided to keep the organization alive but dormant in case it is needed in the future. Furthermore, the importance of our church history in the ongoing life and ministry of St. Peter’s is so crucial that it was decided to bring that function closer to the heart of our ministry by creating a new committee of the Vestry which we will call The Historic St. Peter’s Committee. Its mission will still be:
1) to be responsible for preservation needs in our Historic Landmark church by working with the Property Committee and
2) to bring to life our history through the archives, the guiding program, the audio tours of the church and the yard, communications such as the Spire.

Other activities will be determined by the new committee, which is still in formation. Anyone who would like to become involved or who has suggestions or questions is encouraged to contact me as chair of the committee.

A Learning Moment

I learned to my horror recently that an image I found online to include in my part of St. Peter’s Church: Faith in Action for 250 Years was incorrectly identified! The full-page portrait identified on Google Images as Rev. Jacob Duché (Rector of the United Churches Christ Church and St. Peter’s from 1775-78) was actually that of George Duffield, pastor of Old Pine Church at about the same time as Duché. I realized the mistake when I was searching for a picture of Duffield for a PowerPoint lecture and noticed how the face on the newly created sculpture of him in their churchyard resembled the “Duché” portrait in our book. Anyone who would like to correct the error in their copy of the book may view a correct image of Duché here. So a lesson learned – be very careful to verify your sources on Google Images!