Baptism, Confirmation, and Reception with Bishop Gutierrez

Bishop Gutierrez will be visiting St. Peter’s on Sunday, December 4. He will baptize, confirm, and receive people into the Episcopal Church during the 11 AM service that day.

Baptism, the sacrament of initiation into Christ’s body by water and the Holy Spirit, will be offered on December 4 as well as on November 6, which is All Saints’ Day. Babies, children, teenagers, and adults of any age are all welcome to be baptized.
Confirmation is the sacrament in which a person who was baptized as a baby affirms the commitments that were previously made on his or her behalf and in which that person is commissioned for a life of committed adult discipleship in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Reception into the Episcopal Church is the process by which a person who was baptized (and often confirmed) in another Christian denomination formally joins the Episcopal Church.

Teens (ages 15/16 and older) and adults who wish to be baptized, confirmed, and/or received will participate in 4 learning and preparation sessions during the fall. All of these classes will be held at 12:30 on Sundays on the 2nd floor of 313 Pine Street.

The Episcopal Way: September 25 and October 9 at 12:30 with Claire

Confirmation Preparation: October 23 and November 13 at 12:30 with Sean
To sign-up for classes and to indicate your intention to be baptized, confirmed, and/or received, please email Rev. Sean at [email protected]. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
