Each gift is an expression of your values, priorities and gratitude for God’s blessings in your life. By making the choice to remember the church in your will or estate plans, you ensure that St. Peter’s will have the resources we need to continue our mission and ministries for many years to come. Since planned gifts generally come from the accumulated assets of a lifetime, it is an opportunity to make a final statement of support for a ministry dear to our hearts.

Planned giving does not have to be complicated—and it is not only reserved for those with great wealth. It can be as simple as adding a bequest to St. Peter’s in your will. Other options, such as charitable gift annuities, provide a guaranteed income for life and substantial tax savings. Click here to learn more about planned giving options. Please consult with an estate planning attorney or financial advisor to help you develop or revise your current estate plan.

St. Peter’s Church relies on the income from its endowment to fund about 25% of its annual budget, which supports our mission outreach, helps maintain our church buildings and programs, allows us to pay clergy and staff salaries, and enables us to worship God in the fellowship of others.

The 1761 Society

The 1761 Society recognizes parishioners who have made a commitment to the future life and ministry of St. Peter’s by remembering the parish in their estate plans. Members of the 1761 Society are recognized at the St. Peter’s Annual Meeting in January and at special appreciation events throughout the year.

If you have included St. Peter’s Church in your will or made other planned giving arrangements—thank you! Please let us know so we can include you in 1761 Society mailings.