Living Faithfully this Election Season

“It is a Christian obligation to vote, and more than that, it is the church’s responsibility to help get souls to the polls.” – Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

The presidential election is fast approaching and, across the country and political spectrum, there is undeniable anxiety. How do we live faithfully during this election season? These resources from The Episcopal Church offer support for us as individuals and as a congregation.

Election Engagement Toolkit
The first comes from The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations: Vote Faithfully – An Election Engagement Toolkit. This resource outlines how you can register, mobilize, communicate, and advocate around voting. It also includes some liturgical resources we will include in our Sunday worship on the Sundays leading up to the election. The most important action step you can take? Vote! That means making sure you are registered, supporting efforts to get others registered, and advocating for fair access to all eligible voters. Click here to access this toolkit.

Prayer Novena
For the third U.S. presidential election in a row, Forward Movement calls on Episcopalians and all others to join in A Season of Prayer: For an Election. This year’s prayer novena—nine days of devotional prayers—calls upon God for discernment in voting and for the well-being of our nation. Each day’s prayer comes from The Book of Common Prayer and will be shared on Forward Movement’s Facebook and Instagram channels, in both English and Spanish.

The novena begins on Tuesday, October 29, and continues through the day after the election (Wednesday, November 6). You can download the resource here. Copies will also be available at church on Sundays.

Election Day Worship Service
Finally, remember our weekly Noonday Eucharist service will be on Election Day – Tuesday, November 5. This is a short and simple 30-minute service. If your schedule allows, come for a time of centering prayer and communion. We plan to livestream this service for those who cannot join in person.

Here are important resources related to voting in Pennsylvania:

  • Comprehensive guide to the upcoming election in PA
  • Check your voter registration status in PA
  • Register to vote in PA – The deadline to register to vote is October 21
  • Apply for a mail-in ballot – Your application for a mail-in ballot must be received in the county office no later than October 29
  • Committee of 70’s Interactive Voting Guide: The Committee of Seventy is a nonpartisan civic leadership organization that advances representative, ethical and effective government in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania through citizen engagement and public policy advocacy.

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